It may seem difficult to remember a movie that was a bigger deal than Avengers: Endgame when it came out. Part of the long-running superhero franchise and, with massive hype built around it, official and unofficial marketing campaigns (ranging from online initiatives to on-ground events) appeared.
However, you might have noticed one such marketing gimmick standing out from the rest here in KL, and that was the assembly of 300 drones that lit up the skies in tribute to the Avengers.
The performance was a remarkable show of synchrony, with hundreds of drones forming spectacular shapes and patterns that resembled the icons of each superhero featured in the movie. There are numerous videos of the epic event taking place about 300 meters away from the KL Tower in the heart of the city.
It was no easy feat. Marvel partnered with Intel to make this performance possible, putting on a light show that was powered by 300 Shooting Star drones. The entire show lasted less than 3 minutes and had crowds cheering in anticipation.
The Shooting Star was designed for performances like these, built by Intel as a quadcopter drone designed specifically for light shows. It is constructed of Styrofoam and lightweight plastics, along with built-in lights emitting from each unit. In large numbers, they are able to result in startling imagery lighting up the night sky.
Intel has been doing this for some time now, and the Avengers stunt was not the first. The company has used the Shooting Star to produce an entirely new form of entertainment. It’s a great example of the capabilities that are possible with drones.
Teams of committed technicians and drone experts have to be on standby before each show is initiated. It can be a rather difficult stunt to pull off without the proper resources and manpower.
Such grand events also indicate a growing demand. With technology advancements in various aspects including the Internet of Things and Big Data, drone applications have become even more relevant. If you’re looking at employment opportunities and being involved in interesting projects, take note that the development of new drone designs with varying features is becoming more necessary for a variety of purposes.
Looking at an exciting career line working with drone technology? Adequate training has to be considered before entering the job market. It’s a field where a variety of technical intricacies are common and these should be learned well. Fortunately, training courses and programmes that prepare the next generation of specialists for drone careers are now available. If you’d like to be part of meeting this growing demand, be sure to consider the drone industry as a possible path towards getting your career to take flight!
Asia Drone IoT Technologies lets you leverage the incredible power of drone technology for career advancements, industry applications, and learning.